Discipleship Bible InstituteDiscipleship Bible InstituteDiscipleship Bible Institute
(Mon - Friday)
South Africa

Authentic Pentecostalism 

Authentic Pentecostalism has been described as a popular last days, Spirit-empowered missionary movement which root is found in the book of Acts. The book of Acts is not just a history book, but the Pentecostal’s manual for life and practice. This last days movement seeks to proclaim the same message as did the church in the book of Acts – message of salvation; the movement seeks to share the same mission with the Church in the book of Acts – their mission was to take the Gospel to all nations; the movement seeks to utilize the same methods as did the Church in the book of Acts – their methods were prayer, proclamation of gospel that saves and the sending out of missionaries to the world.
Today’s Church presents us with competing versions of what it means to be Pentecostal. Today, we have,
1. Personal blessing Pentecostals.
2. Backward looking Pentecostals
3. Praise and worship Pentecostals.
4. Domesticated Pentecostals.
5. Spectator Pentecostals.
6. Post-Pentecostals
7. Authentic Pentecostals
In this seminar, we shall consider the authentic Pentecostalism with the hope of making participants to commit themselves to becoming true Pentecostals, and that they will lead others to do the same.
We must all commit ourselves to being truly Pentecostal as presented in the book of Acts
Please join us on the 3rd of September as we explore this all- important topic.
WHO TO ATTEND: Pastors, missionaries, youth leaders, and Christians who are passionate for revival and true biblical Christianity

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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