Born-again Christian: All students must be a professed follower of Jesus Christ and agree with the Core Values and Statement of Faith of Africa Discipleship Bible Institute
Willingness to study and to learn because we believe that the essence of teaching is to cause to learn
Local Church Membership: Prospective student must be actively involved in their local church.
Agree to live a life that honors and glorifies God in every area of life and be ready to abide by scriptural guidelines for living as defined in the Bible.
High school certificate or the ability to read and write: All prospective students must have completed a High School or able to read and write.
Two references (1 pastoral and 1 friend reference)
If you are serious about pursuing the call of God on your life and becoming a force to be reckoned with in the of Gospel of Christ and in the fulfillment of the Great Commission, please contact us for full details of training programs and for any other inquiries
We offer different courses with different fees. Please contact the office to discuss fees.
By signing the code of commitment below, you are pledging to commit yourself to living a life that will honour and glorify God, the school as a Christian institution and Christianity:
I commit to grow in my spiritual pursuit by developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through Bible Study, prayer and worship.
I commit to apply myself whole heartedly to my studies to the glory of God.
I commit to developing my whole person in body, soul, and spirit.
I commit to cultivating good relationships through a lifestyle of integrity and honesty; I will not lie, cheat, steal, gossip or live in hypocrisy.
I commit to promoting a lifestyle that will influence other students positively.
I commit to living a life of purity in my relationship to the opposite sex.
I commit to living a life void of sexual immorality or misconduct of all forms
I commit to purposefully pursue God’s will for my life and ministry whilst attending Africa Discipleship Bible School.
I commit to be punctual and to attend all required classes, services, activities of the School.
I commit to abide by all the rules and regulations of the school whiles attending Africa Discipleship Bible School.
Our Courses
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.