Africa Discipleship Bible Institute is the training arm of Crusade for Africa Discipleship Ministries (A.K.A CAD Africa) which is Registered in South Africa as a Non-profit Christian organization under the Non-profit Acts of 1997 (Registration Number: 156-855 NPO) with the Vision to raise true followers of Christ, promote discipleship Christianity, and to facilitate obedience to the Great Commission.
At Africa Discipleship Bible Institute, our consuming passion is to love Jesus, know Him, and make Him known to others, and to equip believers through leadership training, conferences, discipleship seminars aimed at raising true disciples and followers of Jesus Christ who will live out His commandments as His true representation on earth. These values are enshrined in everything we do as an institution for Biblical studies.
Africa Discipleship Bible Institute offers formal and non-formal Biblical training courses with international academic standard that lead to award of a certificates and diplomas
Mission Statement
Core Values
To promote discipleship Christianity through participative learning process
To develop and provide accessible training for Christian Ministries, lay, pastoral, youth ministries and missions, women’s ministry and children ministry
To empower students with knowledge of God’s word, with which they will be able to equip the Church.
To systematically communicate the Truth to help students to serve God in humility anywhere and everywhere the Lord leads them.
To raise missionaries and pastors to go to the ends of the earth with the Gospel.
To equip students with skills of interpretation, preparation andpresentation of messages of the Word of God
To prepare students to face our world of business, economics, politics, information technology, communication and other social economic life.
Christ-focused: To know Christ, to follow Him, and to make Him known
Prayer: To trust God through prayer and to live the Life of total submission to His will.
Reliance on the Holy Spirit: Dependence on the Holy Spirit to lead and to direct our every step.
Faith: Believing God for all things: possible and impossible with men.
Integrity: Being gracious, maintaining honest conversations – placing value on integrity.
Mission: Engaging in world mission and mobilizing the Church for mission -Facilitatebelievers’ obedience to the Great Commission.
Servanthood: Placing the call and service of God through our service to humanity above personal pleasures.
Intercession: Engaging in global intercession for the world, mission of God, and missionaries.
Authority: Living in absolute submission to the authority of God, His Word and His chosen human authorities
Africa Discipleship Bible Institute is established with the expressed purpose to raise the next generation of Missionary Church leaders, true disciples of Christ and disciplers, and missionaries in Africa and beyond.
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.